Vastu Shastra Tips

Vastu Shastra is an ancient system of architecture and design from India. It is based on universal principles of energy and harmony, with the goal of promoting peace, health, and prosperity in the lives of its practitioners. Vastu Shastra incorporates the five elements of nature earth, water, fire, air, and space to create positive energy in a home or business. By creating a balance between these elements, Vastu Shastra helps to create an environment of harmony and wellbeing.

The side table should not be higher than the bed mattress, as it blocks the free flowing “chi”. It can block “chi” flowing to your head while you sleep. Which causes headache after waking up and insomnia.

There should not be a mirror on the dressing table in front of the bed.

The study tables of the children should be kept in such a way that their face should be towards North / East while studying.